
Redmine update

Added by jams over 13 years ago

Redmine (the bugtracker) has been updated to 1.2
Once again lots of little bugfixes and performance enhancements.

Public git repository

Added by jams over 14 years ago

Our git repository of PKGBUILDS that make up LinHES are now available for publc read only access.
If you wish to have a copy for yourself, you may clone it with the following command:
git clone

Repo update

Added by jams over 14 years ago

The testing repo's have been moved to stable. Please do not update from testing at this point. There will be some major changes that could break your system.

Updated Redmine (bugtracker) to 1.0.1

Added by jams over 14 years ago

Lot's of bugs and some new features compared to the version we were using before (0.9.3)
If you notice any strangeness send me an email or open a bug report for it.

Bugtracker migration complete. (4 comments)

Added by jams about 15 years ago

Migration from flyspray to redmine is complete.
All users have been notified of the change, and flyspray has been archived.

Looking at redmine

Added by jams about 15 years ago

Giving the bugtracker redmine a trial run. Flyspray has served us well but redmine has a few nice features we may like.

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