Boot Settings

Version 5 (jams, 11/07/2011 06:48 am)

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h1. Boot Settings
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The following parameters can be passed onto the installer via kernel command line parameters.
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h2.  Display settings
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* displayres:
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 Try using this resolution for install.  If the mode is invalid it will be rejected.
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  example: displayres=1024x768
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* forceXvesa
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  Force the use of the vesa framebuffer driver
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* vnc
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 - Do not start X on the console, instead use vnc for the install.  If no static ip has been given, then dhcp will be used to find a network address.
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h2.  Network settings
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The following options will be set at boot, but will also transfer to the install.
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* cnetdev
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  Set the network device to use.    
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  example: cnetdev=eth0
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* cip= set a static ip or use dhcp for network.    
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  example: cip=dhcp
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  if dhcp is NOT used, then the following are required:
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	- cnetmask - set the netmask 
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	- cgateway - set the default gateway 
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	- cdns - set a dns server  
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  example:  cip=ip cnetmask= cgateway= cdns=
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* chostname – Set the hostname for the server
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  example: chostname=Samplehostname
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h2.  Remote control options
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* remote
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 - Set the remote to use on install.   remote=Streamzap
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* remoteport
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 - If a serial port reciever is used, use this option to set the port.  		 	remoteport=ttyS0