Build a LinHES Package

Version 1 (brfransen, 02/19/2012 12:03 pm)

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h1. Build a LinHES Package
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h2. Setup
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* Get the required development tools (gcc, make, fakeroot etc.):
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pacman -Sy base-devel
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* Get the source packages using one of the following:
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# Use your development enviroment and follow the "readme.":
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# Don't use your development environment and only use git to pull LinHES-PKGBUILD
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# Visit
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# Visit 
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Currently "ABS": is not setup for LinHES.
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h2. Example
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* For example, using option 3, you can browse to find the package (lirc in this example) that you want and download and extract it and build it using:
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tar xvfz lirc-0.8.3-3.src.tar.gz 
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cd lirc 
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* This will build a binary package that you can then install using: 
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pacman -U lirc-0.8.3-3.pkg.tar.gz
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* Make changes to the package and then build and install it. Once you are satisfied with the package, you can submit the changes via the "LinHES Bug Tracker.":
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h2. Tips
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* To find out what package a given file belongs to, you can use the command:
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pacman -Qo /path/to/the/file
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