Sponsers and Donations

Version 2 (jams, 02/28/2016 04:41 am)

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h1. Sponsers
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* Linode "https://www.linode.com":https://www.linode.com/?utm_source=referral&utm_medium=website&utm_content=[linhes]&utm_campaign=sponsorship
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 - Linode has donated bandwidth and services to host www.linhes.org.  
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* Ermine http://www.magicermine.com/ 
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 - A Ermine Pro license was donated to the LinHES project.  This allows us to have a portable version of the service menu that  
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has no dependencies and runs on any version of Linux.
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* HP  http://www.hp.com
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 - HP graciously donated three workstations to be used for testing and building of LinHES
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* OSUOSL http://www.osuosl.org/
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 - OSUOSL provides bandwidth and equipment to host www.linhes.org
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h1. Donations
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Monetary donations are accepted via paypal.
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  Click the donation button on the righthand side of this page. 
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