Upgrading LinHES R7X to R8

Version 1 (jams, 04/28/2013 10:53 am) → Version 2/4 (jams, 04/28/2013 10:53 am)

h1. Upgrading LinHES R7X to R8

LinHES R8 contains some fairly significant underlying changes.
One of these is the partition layout change which makes a direct in place upgrade from previous versions impossible.
However with a little bit of data moving it's possible to update to an R8 install with minimal effort.

h2. *Please read through all the steps before proceeding.*

Before starting the update, a decision must be made on where to install R8. Either a new hard drive may be used or the existing hard drive for R7.
If the drive for R7 is used, then all of /myth, the database and anything else you need should be backed up.
*Because it is a destructive process using a new hard drive is recommended.*

h3. Backup R7 system

On the R7 system create a system backup and copy it to another machine.
To create the backup run: lh_system_backup_job
This will create a file in /myth/system_backups/ named backup.$todays_date.
Next copy the most recent backup file to another machine, preferably one with a web browser that can be used later.
If you are reusing a R7 hard drive then all of /myth will need to be copied to another machine.

h3. Install R8

Perform a new install of R8, using the same hostname that R7 used.
Only the hostname needs to match, the ip address may be different if needed.
*Before doing the install it's recommended to disconnect any additional data drives that may be in the system.*

h3. First setup for R8.

First setup can be skipped, because the data for this step will be restored in the next step.

h3. Restore R7 database into R8 system

Using a web browser open HTTP://$ip_of_r8_machine.
Navigate to system->system health
On this page you should see “primary server” centered in the screen.
Two lines below that will be the hostname of the system just installed.
The name of the system should be underlined indicating it's a link.
*If this page doesn't exist wait up to 10 minutes for the link to be created.*

Once the link is created, click on hostname to open the operations page for the master backend.

Upload the system backup file from the R7 machine using the “upload file to restore” option on the web page.

After upload is complete, go back to the main operations page and select “Restore database”
Check partial restore, and finally select the file to restore from the drop down list.
Press the GO button to start the restore.
This is using very basic HTML, so the page may appear to stall while it's working.
Just wait it out and it will eventually come back in a few minutes.

*After it's done, reboot the machine and validate that the data was restored and the list of videos and recordings was uploaded properly.*
*If the master backend is not available, open mythtv-setup (ctrl+s) and check the value of master_backend_ip *
*Also the backend will not complete startup if certain tuners are defined but not available. For instance the Ceton InfinitTV tuners*

h3. Copy Media files onto the R8 system

With R8 the location for data has changed to /data/storage/$drive_serial_number.
For convenience a symlink of /myth → /data/storage/$drive_serial_number/media has been provided.

h3. Add additional drives

The last step is to add back any additional media drives that were part of the R7 system.
Adding them can be done two different ways.
a) add them with the command: add_storage.py –no_destruction
This will add the drives in an automated fashion and follow the R8 layout.
*The drives will NOT be formatted or partitioned.*
*The drives will be available for auto-sharing and added to storage groups.*

b) The drives may also be added manually without using add_storage.
The steps for doing this are the same as they were in R7.
As long as the drive is mounted at start up add_storage will ignore any drive that is added manually.

At this point all the media and settings should be migrated over.