Bug #205

Theme bug in MythVideo "file associations" screen

Added by tjc about 16 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:cecil % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


The buttons on the bottom of the setup screen for MythVideo file associations are a bit whacked out under the LinHES theme. This is under Setup -> Media Settings -> Video Settings -> File Types


Updated by cecil about 16 years ago

Which version of linhes-theme do you have installed (pacman -Qs linhes-theme)? I don't think linhes-theme-1-7 should have this problem.

Updated by tjc about 16 years ago

Whatever came out of the box with 6.00.06. I need to re do the install, but the test machine is currently running R5.5 so that I can get some data on it and test the upgrade process. It'll be at least a couple hours before I'm back there.

Updated by tjc about 16 years ago

OK, I've got things back where they were. Looks like it's linhes-theme-1-3 at the moment.

Updated by tjc about 16 years ago

Fixed after running pacman -Syu to upgrade the system.

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