Bug #242

mplayer-vdpau-nogui/mplayer-vdpau and xine-lib-vdpau-svn: conflicting dependencies

Added by nickca over 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:cecil % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


mplayer-vdpau-nogui depends on nvidia-beta and nvidia-utils-beta, and xine-lib-vdpau-svn depends on nvidia and nvidia-utils version >=180.16. These dependencies conflict with each other, and when trying to install xine-lib-vdpau-svn, it tries to remove the nvidia-utils-beta, and then fails because it depends on nvidia and won't accept nvidia-beta. Also, it complains that miro depends on xine-lib, and won't accept xine-lib-vdpau-svn as a replacement. mythtv-vdpau also depends on the -beta packages.

Also, there is no apparent reason to require v180.29 (the -beta packages) for mythtv/mplayer-vdpau, as 180.22 (the non-beta packages) is already vdpau capable. I ran mplayer svn with vdpau support on v180.22 on my old R5.5 install.


Updated by nickca over 15 years ago

The newest mplayer-vdpau-nogui fixes the dependency problems somewhat, however I had to force remove (pacman -R --nodeps) the -beta packages and install the 180.22 versions (nvidia, nvidia-utils) to install it.

Changing all the vdpau packages (mythtv, mplayer, xine) to all require the same nvidia packages, whether standard or beta, will fix this problem. As it is now, xine-lib-vdpau-svn and mplayer-vdpau-nogui require the standard packages, and mythtv-vdpau still requires the beta packages. It needs to be one or the other for all three. Either one will work, as 180.22 fully supports vdpau.

Updated by cecil over 15 years ago

Yes, 180.22 supports VDPAU . However VDPAU is currently a moving target. The version required by the patch for -fixes requires the "beta" drivers.

Updated by nickca over 15 years ago

The new mythtv-vdpau package (0.21-4) fixes the nvidia dependency problems. It appears that the VDPAU versions of mplayer, xine and mythtv will all install with the standard nvidia driver
pacakges. However, xine-lib-vdpau-svn still won't install because of a Miro Player dependency:

resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... :: xine-lib-vdpau-svn conflicts with xine-lib. Remove xine-lib? [Y/n] error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: miro: requires xine-lib>=1.1.12

Updated by jams over 15 years ago

xine-lib-vdpau-svn now provides xine-lib>=1.1.12 so it will work with miro.

Also available in: Atom PDF