Bug #245

is.xml is blank in new mythtv packages (mythtv, mythtv-vdpau)

Added by nickca about 16 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:jams % Done:


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I just now (around 6AM Central time, 2/28/09) upgraded from mythtv to mythtv-vdpau. On restarting MythTV, I went to "Online Streams" in Media Library, and got a blank screen. Exiting from this screen crashes the frontend. Thinking it was something with the vdpau version of MythTV, I reverted to the regular mythtv. Unfortunately, in doing so, I wiped out my original is.xml. I noticed at this time the following message:
warning: /usr/share/mythtv/is.xml saved as /usr/share/mythtv/is.xml.pacsave
Since I'd replaced mythtv with mythtv-vdpau and then vice-versa, it did this twice and wiped out my original.

Looking at /usr/share/mythtv/is.xml, it looks like this:
<mythmenu name="Internet Steams">


This is obviously what's causing the problem.


Updated by nickca about 16 years ago

Okay, digging further, it seems that is.xml is created like this on purpose, and the install procedures of mythvodka, miro and mythstream populate it with their entires on their respective install procedures. Replacing the mythtv package also replaces /usr/share/mythtv/media_settings.xml with the default, removing the MythVodka settings entry, but it doesn't even back it up or warn me it's being replaced. I was able to pretty much get back to where I was by extracting the cached packages for mythvodka, mythstream and miro, editing their .INSTALL files to leave only the commands that populate the xml files, and running them as shell scripts. I think I'm missing something, though, as I think I remember the Online Streams menu having four entries, and that only makes three.

Better behavior here would be to not replace is.xml and media_settings.xml at all, or explicitly tell the user what's going on, maybe even have him confirm it.

Updated by nickca about 16 years ago

Updated by graysky about 16 years ago


<mythmenu name="Internet Steams"> <!--#MythAppleTrailers--> <button> <type>STREAM</type> <text>Apple Trailers</text> <action>MENU appletrailer.xml</action> </button> <!--#MythAppleTrailers--> <!--#MythStream--> <button> <type>STREAM</type> <text>MythStream</text> <action>PLUGIN mythstream</action> </button> <!--#MythStream--> <!--#MythVodka--> <button> <type>STREAM</type> <text>Myth Vodka</text> <action>PLUGIN mythvodka</action> <depends>mythvodka</depends> </button> <!--#MythVodka--> <!--#Miro--> <button> <type>STREAM</type> <text>Miro Player</text> <action>EXEC /usr/bin/miro</action> </button> <!--#Miro--> </mythmenu>

Updated by cecil about 16 years ago

Installing a new mythtv package shouldn't replace is.xml. I've been looking into why it is...

Updated by nickca about 16 years ago

The new mythtv-vdpau (0.21-4) preserves is.xml, but it still overwrites media_settings.xml with no warning. To fix it, just add this back to the end of media_settings.xml:

<!--#MythVodka--> <button> <type>SETTINGS MYTHVODKA</type> <text>MythVodka Settings</text> <action>CONFIGPLUGIN mythvodka</action> <depends>mythvodka</depends> </button> <!--#MythVodka-->

Updated by nickca almost 17 years ago

I've since switched back to standard MythTV. mythtv-0.21-51 preserves is.xml. However, media_settings.xml still gets overwritten.

Updated by cecil almost 16 years ago

Please try pacman -Sy mythtv or mythtv-vdpau and let us know.

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