Bug #257

Fresh r6 install with vdpau -- mythtranscode aborts

Added by worldpoop over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

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Fresh r6 preview auto install then made one modification: Installed vdpau (beta nvidia drivers and vidpau mplayer) for successful OTC ATSC DTV viewing / playback.

When execute transcode from within MythTV, job starts then immediately goes away, media not transcoded. Tried "low quality" default profile, "low quality" modified with resize, also tried transcode to ipod. In TOP I see the "mythtranscode" process appear briefly then disappear. Is this my system or is this a bug? (Happy to share logs with a little hand-holding for what to share and from where :)

mbe.log (93.8 kB) admin, 03/04/2009 05:04 pm

mythcommflag.log (15.8 kB) admin, 03/05/2009 01:22 am

mythbackend.log (403 kB) admin, 03/05/2009 02:47 am


Updated by jams over 15 years ago

the log file to share is the mythbackend log in /var/log.

Updated by worldpoop over 15 years ago

Thanks -- I'm attaching. Transcode starts with:
2009-03-04 13:50:12.639 JobQueue: Transcode Starting for Paid Program: Low Quality (42.4 MB)
and ends with
2009-03-04 13:50:13.252 JobQueue: Transcode Errored: Paid Program: Low Quality (exit status 0, job status was "Running")

Updated by EFP over 15 years ago

I have a similar issue about invalid pointers crashing with mythtranscode, also with mythcommflag.
I also have installed the vdpau mythtv & mplayer packages, not much else has been touched.

Updated by worldpoop over 15 years ago

Well wuddaya know. I just checked and commercial flagging doesn't work either. Find three errors in this log -- search for "mythtranscode" "mythcommflag" (and also, as a bonus, a "preview" error -- I think that one happened on channels with poor reception -- live ATSC OTA TV aborted back to menu, not sure though).

Updated by worldpoop over 15 years ago

(P.S. I have no "mythcommflag.log" files on my system, seems it never got that far.)

Updated by worldpoop over 15 years ago

P.P.S. I'm also seeing this error, don't know what it is...

2009-03-04 13:26:16.476 ERROR retrieving program info when trying to delete program for chanid 10304 recorded at Sun Mar 1 23:50:51 2009. Recording will NOT be deleted.

I do still have some live tv from several hours ago living on my disk. Maybe some liveTV isn't getting cleaned up? ... Okay, some test TV I just watched now got cleaned up right away, but some from earlier today remains on disk. I guess it's that "ERROR retrieving program info" thing. Hmm. What's going on here with all these errors?

Updated by worldpoop over 15 years ago

P.P.S. I'm also seeing this error, don't know what it is...

2009-03-04 13:26:16.476 ERROR retrieving program info when trying to delete program for chanid 10304 recorded at Sun Mar 1 23:50:51 2009. Recording will NOT be deleted.

I do still have some live tv from several hours ago living on my disk. Maybe some liveTV isn't getting cleaned up? ... Okay, some test TV I just watched now got cleaned up right away, but some from earlier today remains on disk. I guess it's that "ERROR retrieving program info" thing. Hmm. What's going on here with all these errors?

Updated by EFP over 15 years ago

FYI, the file I attached is not an automatically generated log, just a copy&paste of terminal output.

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