Bug #299

An interim Myth-vidpau alternative install option with disclaimer

Added by worldpoop over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

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An interim Myth-vidpau alternative install option with explanation and disclaimer -
This is a difficult feature request I know, a can full of worms; but worth bringing up; perhaps worth some polling.

- Newer Nvidia cards no longer support Xvmc. That's it for linux nvidia acceleration unless we are willing to look at VDPAU.

- Myth TV with Vdpau could be a long wait. Longer still for Live CD projects to catch up.

- ATSC is barrelling down the pike, many more users' will be challenged to keep up after June 13th. Only near 3GHz machines are fast enough to keep up with HD display without hardware acceleration.

- Myth TV should not and need not require only the newest priciest machines; goes against history and philosophy.

- Vdpau scrunches overhead to a crumb.

Making the case: It may be a while before MythTV with Vdpau is ready for prime-time. It is safer to wait. However, if you Google mythtv vdpau you'll find folks in all distro projects scrambling to get Vdpau working for HD DTV use now. Some of us have unusable boxes without hardware acceleration. Seems there are ways: http://www.avenard.org/media/MythTV_%26_VDPAU/MythTV_%26_VDPAU.html , but you have to know linux. The idea of a MythTV appliance easy install CD is: you shouldn't have to be a Linux expert to benefit from it.

Without ready hardware acceleration in the linux world we concede a prime raison d'etre to Win and Mac platforms. It's better keeping the promise: We don't need the fastest, priciest hardware simply to run LinHES. There's Vdpau. Seems to work in LinHES >.07 so far. After weeks of toiling and tears I finally got my box working with VDPAU. In these forums you all showed me I had no other option than VDPAU, and helped me get here. Thank you! :)

(Knoppmyth R6 Preview auto - Dell Dimension 2400 2.4 GHz - 1.2gb ram - Sparkle GeForce 8400GS (was MX4000 128MB) PCI TV-out - HDHomeRun dual ATSC over gigabit. Without VDPAU this box is unusable in the new world of ATSC.)


Updated by worldpoop over 15 years ago

No, I don't want to re-open. Sorry, I get it. I just wanted to close with a broad comment about relevence that's too dang gauche for the forums :)

The MythTV w/ VDPAU is easy enough to install.
All one has to do is open an xterm and issue a
few commands (details are on the forum)

If you search for my posts you'll see that I have been scraping the dirt for MONTHS trying to get LinHES to work. I finally did. I'll be writing about it. It was not simple for me. Vdpau was not simple, but essential. It could have been simple, had I had either the know-how or the right informational guide. I am not the only one. I DO scour the forums and try to learn. I am not a dummy, really. I am not a fool, but I AM more persistent than most who would flee right away to Sage TV. :) (Take a look for yourself at Sage forums -- search for "Knoppmyth" -- interesting yes?)

I mean this with more awe and respect than you probably realize. Running away would have been natural. I think I'm one-in-a-million here :) (Again, look at your own forums. Hey now, this proved interesting! Netstalk some ephemeral usersnames. While you're at it, note their initial experiences here. You see, that's an invisible perspective, right?) It is precisely because these simple solutions are obvious to those here who have structural knowledge of Linux and MythTV that they are not available to those like me (even though they "are"). Ironic, because Knoppmyth, Mythdora and Mythbunuto are intended to be the step away doin-it-from-scratch, and absolutely the savior of the Myth project (really, it couldn't survive). If I had the latest and greatest hardware and gadget for everything, I wouldn't be doing DIY. But don't take me for a fluke.

Knoppmyth in its original incarnations worked just as you intended, in the very recent days of primarily analog TV. It worked like a Genie for the likes of me. It will again (though too long from now?) as long as Myth dev can keep it together. But meanwhile, in this new age of Qam / ATSC, I hate to see these folks further losing hold of their raison d'ĂȘtre, while gaming hardware takes the cake in the commercial world. Well, and Windows Media Player is so dang in our faces. In fact, I think it is why Mythbuntu is shrinking (look at their forums too) and Mythdora. It is a testament to the expertise at, and solidity of, Knoppmyth/LinHES that you are so strong. Though, again, the voices in your forums have selected to a fairly contained, sufficiently expert, dedicated, passionate bunch. May I suggest -- again, with the greatest of respect and appreciation possible -- that the alternative would be a broader, growing and thus necessarily dumber bunch! Ah, now we're at the crux of issues of relevence and sustainability. It may be counter-productive to discourage (not on purpose, I realize) in the glow of digital TV the most promoting niche, even if aggravating, for whom you champion the appliance-that-works concept.

All I'm saying is, "All one has to do is open an xterm and issue a few commands (details are on the forum)" is not as it sounds. But it is essential. My contention is, what you MEANT to say is actually not inconsequential to your endeavors.



(Dawkins wrote of why the symbolic Bill Gates will always have the upper hand in homes and the economy, and will eventually strangle open source efficacy with intellectual property dominance -- the DRM TV danger case-in-point. Most people believe it is that the Gates has cosy establishment money and power and marketing ability, despite tamped-down technical capability. In reality, it is a self-limiting and oxymoronic cultural inevitability in open source: The clique of egalitarians. The convention went out to sea, and the discourse went with them. Anyway, wow, I'm getting ahead of myself :) )

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