Bug #319

Package request: HellaNZB, par2

Added by nickca over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


HellaNZB is a Python program to enable automatic downloading, verification and extraction of USENET binaries. Including the ZussaWeb web frontend would be nice as well, but that's trivial enough to install without a package. par2 is a command line utility for USENET PAR2 files, and is necessary for proper operation of HellaNZB. The only other requirement is unrar, which is already in extra-testing.


Updated by nickca over 15 years ago

Actually, please disregard this - I just built it from the AUR PKGBUILD. If you could just instead provide these dependencies:

twisted (for hellanzb)
libsigc++2.0 (for rtorrent)

so I can replace these packages which I've currently installed from the ArchLinux extra repository. I've written a tutorial on the Wiki for using rTorrent and HellaNZB to setup a Myth box for auto-downloading of media files, and currently this requires installing the above three packages from ArchLinux's extra repo. If R6 could provide these packages, everything else can be built from AUR without having to enable the extra repo, which can be dangerous.

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