Bug #362
System boots but LinHES won't start
Status: | Closed | Start date: | ||
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 0% |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
r6.00.08 has been running fine, but after I made changes in the LinHES Service menu, LinHES won't start after a reboot.
All of the services are running fine, and I can start the UI manually with:
I can't attempt to reproduce this until I figure out how to get the startup working again, but in the Service menu, I know I was making changes to sound, software, and remotes.
Updated by craigtv almost 16 years ago
Thanks to jams over at the forums, I'm back in business. The frontend service was missing for some reason, so I added it back in with:
add_service.sh frontend
I'll go back now and try to retrace what I did to make the service disappear. I was in a number of the service menus, so maybe something there ...
Updated by jams almost 16 years ago
please attach /etc/systemconfig it will show the current configuration and if it thinks the FE service should be enabled or not.
Updated by craigtv almost 16 years ago
I've attached my systemconfig, but I don't think it will tell you much. In trying to recreate the issue, I wiped my mythconverg database, as if I were doing a clean install. Fortunately, I had a recent backup.
I'll post that as a separate ticket, and in the mean time, I'll keep trying to reproduce the issue. I know it was correct after installation, as I rebooted a number of times. It was after changing things in the LinHES service menus that the service went away.
Updated by craigtv almost 16 years ago
I have spent some time trying to recreate this, and I think it has something to do with upgrading from a previous version, and selecting Standalone as the System Type. The service menus don't seem to retain the host setting, and that causes updates from many of the service menu to do strange things. At one point, I attempted to escape back from the System Type and I got a message saying setting host name to "Enter Hostname Here". It then wiped my mythconverg database. I suspect (but haven't been able to confirm) that my database had my hostname in it, and the standalone attempted to set it to localhost in the database. I want back through the config and selected Master Backend, and go much better results, and haven't had any problem since. I also think there a number of reports in Flyspray related to this. I found services would to missing, and generally weird behavior depending on what sequence you attempt to save the service menus.
Here's a snippet from my mythfrontend log when I tried System type, and the installation "hung," spitting the following over and over in the log:
Daemons on boot
c restore
t syssettings
template is syssettings
/usr/MythVantage/bin/restore_default_settings.sh: option requires an argument -- d
ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'mythconverg' (1)
-c restore -t syssettings -d failed
c restore
t syssettings
template is syssettings
/usr/MythVantage/bin/restore_default_settings.sh: option requires an argument -- d
Here's another few lines where I'm trying to save my sound settings. You can see a hostname appears to be missing and it's trying to interpret mythconverg as the host.
> SoundDevice=""
c save
t syssettings
template is syssettings
/usr/MythVantage/bin/restore_default_settings.sh: option requires an argument -- d
ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'mythconverg' (1)
-c save -t syssettings -d failed
----------------------start of systemconfig audio ----------------------
cat: /usr/local/share/mythtv/.releasetype: No such file or directory
t real
/usr/MythVantage/bin/soundconfig.sh: option requires an argument -- d
unkown option
Starting to install Packages
Updated by jams almost 16 years ago
These errors all stem from an earlier problem. What appears to have happened is a database was restored that didn't have the linhes settings. This would occur if an R5 database was restored into R6 without going through the install. Another possible thing that could have occured is DHCP is used and the ip address changed from when the system was installed. Either one of these would cause communication problems with the database.
Updated by craigtv almost 16 years ago
You are correct, I did restore my R5 database, but I did that as a the database got wiped (as I reported in task 364), and I was trying to avoid going through the complete config again. That occurred a couple of days after I went through the install/upgrade from the LinHES CD, when I was trying to install software from the config menus. I assume the more proper thing to do would have been a complete reinstall?
I do use DHCP, but I have a reservation, so my myth box always receives the same IP.
At this point, I've got everything stable, and I've done a backup under R6, so I should be good to go. If there's anything further I can provide to try and determine what went wrong initially, let me know, otherwise, I guess you can close this out, as I really don't want to reproduce it now:-)