Bug #382

ddcprobe missing

Added by GregFrost almost 16 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:12/31/1969
Assignee:jams % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:6.00.04


mythinstall (MythVantage) calls /sbin/ddcprobe when the advancedX menu is used.
/sbin/ddcprobe is not available.

I have been trying to work out where the source for ddcprobe can be obtained withou luck so far.

xresprobe-0.4.23debian1_0.1-1.src.tar.gz (883 Bytes) admin, 06/09/2009 08:25 am


Updated by GregFrost almost 16 years ago

Here is a package I put together that may do the trick:

Updated by GregFrost almost 16 years ago

jams: could you try this package to see if the ddcprobe works with your MythVantage.

Updated by cecil almost 16 years ago

sudo pacman -Sy xresprobe. I've also ensure it is a dep of LinHES-config.

Updated by jams almost 16 years ago

Install ddcxinfo and not xresprobe.

Updated by GregFrost almost 16 years ago

We now have ddcxinfo (which LinHES-config depends on), ddcxinfo-arch and xresprobe. Shouldn't we remove the ones that we dont require to aviod possible future confusion. The beauty of a project like knoppmyth/linhes is that you have a coherent way of doing things. Having these three packages violates that.

Updated by jams about 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from 8.0 to 6.00.04

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