Bug #414

/etc/rc.conf::DAEMONS ignored

Added by alien over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
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I don't know if this is intensional or not, but I think this will cause a lot of confusion if it is left like this.

In /etc/rc.conf there is a variable DAEMONS that lists daemons (in /etc/rc.d) to start up on boot. However, these are not started.

I believe that /etc/rc.sysinit should be modified to start these daemons. See /etc/rc.multi for an example of how this should be done.


Updated by cecil over 15 years ago

LinHES uses runit to start daemons. So, /etc/rc.conf isn't used.... Will be cleared up in the docs.

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