Bug #450

tightvnc, likely other stuff broken by libjpeg update

Added by nickca about 15 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
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Category:- Spent time: -
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The same problem that was just fixed in mplayer (won't load due to expecting libjpeg 6.2) is still present in tightvnc, and likely quite a few other packages, but tightvnc is the only one I've encountered so far.


Updated by GregFrost about 15 years ago

Also from craigtv on the forum:
Did another pacman update and saw feh and a few others come through, and that did fix my desktop. I've been trying everything else out, and found MP4Box is also failing on libjpeg.so.62. That's causing myth2ipod to fail. Craig

I found that ldd can be used to find things that need libs that are not installed. Perhaps a script to check all .so files and executable files in /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /bin /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin /src/ /usr/sbin would be useful. I recompiled a number of things recently that I found to be a problem using ldd.

Updated by GregFrost about 15 years ago

Perhaps if we made kmsync do a pacman -Syu followed by running the ldd checker script, we could prevent this from happening in the future?

Updated by GregFrost about 15 years ago

I have rebuilt enough stuff now that nothing I have installed on my system seems to be missing libraries. There may still be other stuff in packages that I have not installed. Feel free to open another ticket if that is the case.

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