Bug #505

6.00.09 - SQL syntax error during boot from CD

Added by tjc over 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:jams % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


Looks like a quoting problem with a generated SQL statement during the DHCP network setup.

BTW - 6.00.09 needs to get added to the reported versions...


Updated by dougisfunny over 15 years ago

I have seen the same problem, although I noticed that was immediately after "Will use Intel" which is the graphics driver selection, it also happens for users with nvidia "Will use nvidia."

Upon reboot, to reinstall I chose the Special hardware force Vesa option and it worked. There is another ticket which talked about that issue, not that I can find it.

That, or we're seeing completely different problems.

Updated by jams over 15 years ago

Is it during setup or on boot?
If it's boot please attach /tmp/dhcpinfo.* and are you running a dhcp server?

If it's not during boot attach mv_Debug.log and a better description.

Updated by dougisfunny over 15 years ago

What I got was during the initial install, it would hang after trying to start X using the Intel driver. On 6.00.08, it would hang with "Will use Intel" being the last thing on the screen, on 6.00.09, there are a few lines after "Will use Intel" and it hangs there. For me, installation could be completed by forcing the Vesa driver during install.

I'm unfamiliar with the mv_Debug.log, and was unable to find it in a search.

Additionally, what the few lines are after are as follows (where is the router IP):

Will use Intel
[root@larch5 ~]# > setting database values HostNETMASKeth0 to /24 for larch5

setting database value HostGWeth0 to for larch5
setting database value HostDNSeth0 to for larch5

Updated by jams over 15 years ago

Where is the quoting error for the network?

Updated by dougisfunny over 15 years ago

Apparently I don't know what I'm talking about, and don't know what a quoting error is. I guess seeing three out of four matching got me (database, DHCP, setup) and I just misinterpreted his statements to be similar to mine. I apologize for the confusion.

Updated by tjc over 15 years ago

FWIW - This looks like the same issue http://knoppmyth.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=20263

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