Bug #506

several packages out-of-date

Added by graysky over 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:mihanson % Done:


Category:Packages: Extra Spent time: -
Target version:6.03.00


The following packages are out-of-date as far as I can tell. I'll update this ticket if I see more:

moblockcontrol (this is become simply blockcontrol and has been updated)

Associated revisions

Revision 1a6124cb
Added by Michael Hanson almost 15 years ago

deluge: update to 1.2.2
closes #506


Updated by cecil over 15 years ago

Is there a valid reason to update these now (security fixes)? Else this will be post 6.01.00...

Updated by graysky over 15 years ago


As far as I can tell just bug fixes, although it doesn't mention security implications.

As to moblock and block control... I dunno.

Updated by mihanson almost 15 years ago

  • Assignee changed from cecil to mihanson
  • Target version set to 6.03.00
  • Category set to Packages: Extra

Updated by mihanson almost 15 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Applied in changeset commit:"5c11fa0a73233f22ec3e6f8623f9bb34a1103008".

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