Bug #530

Patch for 6200ch that allows for 4 digit channel numbers

Added by mihanson over 15 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


Attached is a patch for 6200ch.c that allows for 4 digit channel numbers. It applys cleanly to the 0.21-fixes version of 6200.c located in the source code on the [[ftp://ftp.knoppmyth.net/R6/sources/mythtv-0.21-fixes.tar.bz2|knoppmyth server]]. Have not tested against trunk. Also adds channel change support for Verizon FiOS QIP6200-2 STB.

6200ch.c.patch (8.4 kB) admin, 09/03/2009 12:23 pm

6200ch.c.r21651.patch (5.1 kB) admin, 09/03/2009 03:50 pm

6200ch.c.0.21-fixes.patch (9.4 kB) admin, 09/04/2009 12:16 am

6200ch.c.0.21-fixes.patch (4.6 kB) admin, 09/04/2009 08:19 pm

6200ch.c.0.21-fixes.patch-3 (4.6 kB) admin, 09/04/2009 08:59 pm

Related issues

related to LinHES - Feature #529: Include pre-compiled firewire_tester, 6200ch, red_eye and... Closed


Updated by mihanson over 15 years ago

Trunk patch now included.

Updated by GregFrost over 15 years ago

shouldnt these patches be submitted to mythtv instead of linhes? Then we could just bump our package version

Updated by mihanson over 15 years ago

Yes, I planned on it, but I need to get my crap together and test more.

Updated by mihanson over 15 years ago

Yes, I planned on it, but I need to get my crap together and test more.

Updated by mihanson over 15 years ago

I'm not sure what happened, but now my patched 6200ch does not work right. It was working earlier. Grrrr.... :/

Updated by mihanson over 15 years ago

Ok, everything is now squared away. I'll submit the trunk patches to mythtv directly, but I don't see the need to submit the 0.21-fixes patch to mythtv because 0.22 is about to be released. Attached is the latest and greatest 6200ch.c patch for 0.21-fixes.

Updated by mihanson over 15 years ago

New patch for 6200ch.c against raw code at ftp://ftp.knoppmyth.net/R6/sources/mythtv-0.21-fixes.tar.bz2

Updated by mihanson over 15 years ago

New patch for 6200ch.c against http://linhes.org/repo/src_packages/core-testing/mythtv-0.21-81.src.tar.gz after running makepkg.

Also available in: Atom PDF