Bug #60

Can't restore/upgrade if /myth is on software raid

Added by mihanson about 16 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:12/31/1969
Assignee:jams % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:7.1


If /myth is not able to be mounted on upgrade to R6 (i.e because it's on a software raid) a restore will fail. Per discussion with jams, maybe we can add logic to look for the tar/gz files somewhere in /.


Updated by jams about 16 years ago

If /myth/backup/mythconverg.sql.gz is not present it will use the file located in /root/backup.
Before upgrade /root/backup/mythconverg.sql.gz is copied out to avoid it being lost during the format.

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