Feature #742
Addition of ck's patchset with brain fuck scheduler to kernel
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 12/22/2010 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | 01/10/2011 | |
Assignee: | % Done: | 100% |
Category: | Kernel | Spent time: | 12.00 hours | |
Target version: | 7.1 | Estimated time: | 10.00 hours |
The addition of Con Kolivas' brain fuck scheduler to LH's kernel will benefit users who transcode on their LH boxes. I have been been running it on my own systems for months. See the PKGBUILD I adapted for it in the AUR:
Updated by jams about 14 years ago
Do you know when it's scheduled to go into the mainline kernel?
Updated by graysky about 14 years ago
It will likely never get mainlined... and that's how CK likes it :)
Updated by graysky about 14 years ago
@jams - See the most recent entry blog entry on CK's website. Very interesting video that explains queuing theory and why bfs will be faster than mainline's scheduler.
I would be glad to help with the packaging of it since I already maintain the kernel26-ck package in the AUR. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=32877
Updated by jams about 14 years ago
- Target version set to 7.1
- Due date set to 01/10/2011
This should be in place for R7
Updated by cecil about 14 years ago
- Assignee set to cecil
- Category set to Kernel
- Estimated time set to 10.00
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Updated by cecil about 14 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 80
Updated by cecil about 14 years ago
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
- Status changed from New to Closed