Bug #749

Installation of first LH7 test program

Added by snaproll about 14 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Status:Works for me Start date:01/06/2011
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


I got the CD burned and booted up..

It stalls at 'larch5 login'
after 'installing 173 nvidia drivers'

Any ideas on what to tell the login ?

Edit: 'Special Hardware: Force Vesa driver' gets you to the blue 'Thanks for choosing LinHes' screen, but keyboard and mouse are inop, can't proceed out of that screen.

root' at login (with no password gets ya root...
dir: 'LinHES-install.sh
sh LinHES-install.sh

: xset: unable to open display ""
: xset: unable to open display ""
: xhost: unable to open display ""

Mythvantage: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

dd' d to a thumbdrive as 'larch8'..
get 'grub loading'
'error 21'


Updated by martin1802 about 14 years ago

where to get the ISO? I will try to install for testing on my new system.

Updated by snaproll about 14 years ago

New Edit:

Tried install CD on a different (8189) IBM [3.2gz P4]
It booted and installed automatically with no issues
[beyond the Streamzap didn't come up working automatically, I'm working on that...]

The IBM it didn't want to run on is an 8185, [also a 3.2gz P4]

Updated by snaproll about 14 years ago

Martin: Go here:


Updated by jams over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Works for me

Many changes have occured since this was reported, and I can't duplicate it.
When the next iso is out and the problem occurs, feel free to open another ticket.

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