Feature #801
Add Blu-ray support
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 12/03/2011 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | % Done: | 100% |
Category: | Packages: Extra | Spent time: | 3.00 hours | |
Target version: | 7.5 |
As per mythtv wiki[[http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/High_Definition_Disk_Formats#Watching_With_the_Internal_Player_.28recommended.29]]
byacc-noconflict-20101229-1.src.tar.gz (required by libaacs)
premake-3.7-1.src.tar.gz (required by aacskeys)
dumphd-0.61-4.src.tar.gz (not needed but allows you to rip to hard drive)
Copy the contents of /usr/share/aacskeys/HostKeyCertificate.txt to ~/.mythtv/KEYDB.cfg HOST_PRIV_KEY and HOST_CERT values.
Copy the keys from /usr/share/aacskeys/ProcessingDeviceKeysSimple.txt to ~/.mythtv/KEYDB.cfg Processing Keys values. (additional keys available here http://ysk.orz.hm/BD/DeviceKey_MediaKey/ProcessingDeviceKeysSimple.txt)
Place optical_menu.xml and play-bluray.sh in ~/.mythtv/
Put a disc in and push 'Play Blu-ray' it automatically picks the longest title track but you can press 'M' and navigate the titles.
Associated revisions
aacskeys:initial inclusion. closes #801
libaacs-git:initial inclusion. closes #801
premake:initial inclusion. closes #801
Updated by cecil over 12 years ago
- Assignee set to cecil
- Category set to Packages: Extra
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from New to Closed
Using the testing repo, as of 9/2/12:
@sudo pacman -Sy libaacs-git aacskeys
wget -O /home/mythtv/.mythtv/KEYDB.cfg http://vlc-bluray.whoknowsmy.name/files/KEYDB.cfg@You'll now be able to play back Blurays using MythTV.
Updated by cecil over 12 years ago
- Target version set to 7.5