Bug #880

Remove FE only SG support from add_storage.py

Added by jams over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:12/10/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:jams % Done:


Category:Installation/Upgrade Spent time: 3.00 hours
Target version:8.0


When deploying A FE it doesn't make sense to auto add storage groups. A FE only machine has a much higher chance of being offline when rescanning video collections and will cause an error to be presented.
Additionally if storage groups are added to a FE system, then content will be unavailable to other systems if the frontend is turned off.
In light of this I think it's best to let the end-user add their own storage groups.

Associated revisions

Revision 11f9af48
Added by jams over 12 years ago

LinHES-system: add_storage added --add_be_sg and --add_fe_sg to the cmd line.
These flags control which storage groups are added.
Additionaly when running add_storage from the command line it will prompt the user which Storage group class to use.

refs #880

Revision 3b85d20d
Added by jams over 12 years ago

LinHES-config: mv_install.py Only add storage groups on machine classes that use the backend. So FE only machines end up with no SG associated with it's hostname.

refs #880


Updated by jams over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

modified add_storage.py so it will not add any storage groups unless directed to.
User can either answer the prompts or use --add_fe_sg and --add_be_sg.

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