Feature #892

add udev rule generator for pci and some usb capture cards

Added by jams about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:01/04/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:jams % Done:


Category:Installation/Upgrade Spent time: 28.00 hours
Target version:8.0

Associated revisions

Revision 7a2658fa
Added by jams about 12 years ago

LinHES-config: reintroduce the start of a revamped autocard.py.
This is not done, but it's close enought to commit.
In it's current state it will detect v4l, hdprv, hdhr, dvb cards and write out udev rules to create persistent dev nodes for each device. However it will not change the kernel produced nodes.

Right now it's as simple as running "autocard.py"

refs #892

Revision 8535c8a0
Added by jams about 12 years ago

supplemental-web: Two major additions here.

1) introduce the static dev node mapping as produced by autocard. Currently located under system->List static dev nodes for tuners. This link will pull in mappings from the MBE and all SLAVE boxes. The query will pull the data from the host each time it's requested, so the slave machines must be on to see the mapping. The data is pulled over http from the slave box by calling cardlist.cgi, which will read in /etc/udev/mv-persisten-video.description.

2) Add the ability to upload and download system backup files from the MBE. Also reworked the css to make it a tad prettier.

refs #893
refs #892

Revision 3177bc9e
Added by jams about 12 years ago

LinHES-config: autocard.py Added the ability to insert cards into the database. Fixed a few bugs for dvb and hdhr

refs #892

Revision 19558d2b
Added by jams about 12 years ago

LinHES-system, runit-scripts, mythdb-initial: autocard.py will run when mythbackend starts if /etc/udev/mv-persistent-video.description is not present.

LinHES-system: wait for autocard to finish before stopping the be

mythdb-initial: add a dummy tuner, so that myth backend will start. This get around the chicken/egg problem of needing tuners defined before MBE can start. However to add tuners via the API mythbe must be started.

refs #892


Updated by jams about 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 8.0
  • Category set to Installation/Upgrade

Updated by jams about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

There are 4 options:
help : This help screen
print: Will find and printout any detected capture cards, including network based tuners like the hdhomerun_config
udev : This option creates a set of static device nodes for the local capture cards.
Rules are based on pci/usb path so moving the card into a different expansion slot will nullify the udev rule
HDPVR devices use the serial number as the primary key for the udev rule_list

insertdb : This option will insert any detected cards into the MythTV database using the static device generated by udev.
This option will also generate udev rules. Tuners that are already defined will not be readded.

all : The same as using print udev insertdb

autocard.py print
autocard.py insertdb

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