
Version 2 (brfransen, 05/16/2016 12:37 pm)

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h1. Settings
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Many settings for your LinHES system can be accessed and changed in the Service Menu --> LinHES Configuration.
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Settings for MythTV can be accessed and changed in the Service Menu --> MythTV Configuration.
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h1. Other Settings
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h2. osd_cat
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LinHES uses osd_cat to display various system messages (shortcut keys, updates, backup, restore, screenshooter, etc) on the screen.
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To change the default appearance settings of osd_cat:
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* Edit @/etc/osd_cat.cfg@ to make osd_cat use a different color, outline, shadow or font
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h2. unclutter
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LinHES uses unclutter to hide the pointer to make the system more like an appliance. Unclutter can be toggled on and off by pressing ctrl+alt u.
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To change the default settings of unclutter:
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* Edit @/etc/unclutter.cfg@ to make unclutter either more or less aggressive in hiding the pointer
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* @idle@ is the number of seconds between polls for idleness
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* @jitter@ is the amount of movement of the pointer that is to be ignored and considered as random noise
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h2. MythVantage configuration 
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To avoid MythVantage erasing some custom setup, each module can be configured to not run.
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If  /etc/sysconfig/INGORE_X is  present, the entire X configuration will be skipped.
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/etc/mythvantage.cfg controls which module will be skipped.
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True will allow systemconfig to run that module
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False will skip the module
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> misc = True
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> sleep = True
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> hostype = True
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> advanced = True
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> audio = True
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> network = True
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> xorg = True
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> webuser = True
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> restartfe = True
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> reloadfe = True
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> ddns = True
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> screensaver = True
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> ir = True
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> user = True
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> software = True
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> smolt = True