Spent time

Date range

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Total: 821.56 hours

Date Member Activity Project Issue Comment Hours
03/30/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #485: local website layout and ordering 1.00
03/30/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #410: update Apple Trailers list dynamically 0.20
04/05/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #673: Update lcdproc to 0.5.3 QA 0.10
11/19/2012 jams Development LinHES Feature #854: Channel ID to support multiple remote controls 5.00
11/21/2012 jams Development LinHES Feature #869: Use Plymouth instead of fbsplash 13.00
12/04/2012 jams Development LinHES Bug #872: folding at home service run script 4.00
12/05/2012 jams Development LinHES Feature #873: Please add libfile-homedir-perl to the repo 2.00
12/05/2012 jams Development LinHES Bug #874: mysql is binary logging mostly testing that binary logging really was removed. 0.50
12/06/2012 jams Development LinHES Bug #874: mysql is binary logging 1.00
12/10/2012 jams Development LinHES Bug #871: system will not shutdown when using plymouth mostly finding out where it hangs 20.00

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