Support #1011

Update Kodi to 17.1

Added by TVBox almost 8 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:04/13/2017
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:brfransen % Done:


Category:Packages: Extra Spent time: -
Target version:-


Can the repository be updated to include Kodi 17.1

Associated revisions

Revision 49df8a95
Added by brfransen almost 7 years ago

kodi: update to 17.6. refs #1011


Updated by knappster about 7 years ago

I thought it was worth noting that Kodi 16.1 is still available for LinHES 8.5.1, but it is not usable as a mythtv frontend because the built-in mythtv client only works up to MythTV 0.28. It appears that Kodi 17 is required for MythTV 29 support.

Updated by knappster about 7 years ago

I've compiled the kodi 17.6 binary on a development virtualbox machine and installed the package on my production machine this morning. So far things appear to be functioning well. (Unable to attach PKGBUILD)

Updated by knappster about 7 years ago

I've uploaded the PKGBUILD and binary files to the following google drive:

Updated by knappster about 7 years ago

I noticed some ssl errors were thrown by some addons which would either crash kodi or prevent the addon from working, so I have added a folder for an updated python cryptography package and PKGBUILD. I compiled with "makepkg --nocheck"

Updated by brfransen almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to brfransen
  • Category set to Packages: Extra

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