Feature #1029
Kodi 18
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 10/28/2018 | |
Priority: | Low | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | brfransen | % Done: | 0% |
Category: | Packages: Core | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | 8.6 |
Maybe it's too soon to bring to LinHES, but Kodi is on beta 4 of version 18. I have been testing it since the first alpha release back in April and it seems to perform well for me. I'm going to link a number of PKGBUILD files if there is interest in moving forward with this. Note: some of the dependencies I have not updated since April and there could be newer releases.
rapidjson 1.0.2(make dependency)
kodi 18 beta 4
patch file https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lnQOf9SQIaq2VZ-XkWyiH3inTZT31ZfA
the other associated files are already in the LinHES repository
pvr.mythtv 5.8.11
This also downloads kodi 18 beta 4 source and it seems to build the latest pvr.mythtv release, regardless of which is specified. I'm not sure why and I have not needed to investigate why yet.
For use with Netflix/Amazon Prime:
inputstream.adaptive 2.3.3
python-pycryptodomex 3.6.1
I can also supply compiled packages if that would be helpful. Mythfrontend on my particular machine has lockup issues when I play (interlaced?) video using VDPAU, so I have been launching Kodi from mythfrontend and using pvr.mythtv as my primary frontend. Kodi 18 also added a Netflix and an Amazon Prime addon, which would provide LinHES users who subscribe to these services the ability to playback videos without using chrome and web-on-linhes. It's been a while since I've done the build from start to finish, so I apologize if I've forgotten any PKGBUILDs. I am happy to provide anything I have inadvertently missed. I can also post a walkthrough of setting up pvr.mythtv, the Netflix Addon, and the Amazon Prime addon in the forums if there is any value to it.
Associated revisions
fmt: initial inclusion: dep of kodi 18. refs #1029
rapidjson: initial inclusion: dep of kodi 18. refs #1029
kodi: update to 18.0. refs #1029
kodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive: initial inclusion. refs #1029
python-pycryptodomex: initial inclusion. refs #1029
kodi: update to 18.1. refs #1029
Updated by knappster about 6 years ago
FYI, Kodi 18 is up to RC1 now. The PKGBUILD's need to be tweaked slightly, and the fmt patch file is no longer required, but it still performs well on my machine.
Updated by brfransen almost 6 years ago
- Assignee set to brfransen
- Target version set to 8.6
- Category set to Packages: Core
Updated by brfransen almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed