Bug #189
Missing /var/log/mythtv
Status: | Closed | Start date: | ||
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | 12/31/1969 | |
Assignee: | % Done: | 0% |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | 7.1 |
Feb 15 23:01:12 LH-6 mythbackend: cannot open logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
Feb 15 23:01:12 LH-6 mythbackend: cannot open logfile; using stdout/stderr
Updated by tjc about 16 years ago
Have you checked the existence and ownership of the log file and directory? We've had a bunch of files and directories getting created by apps running as root the first time and not being writeable by the mythtv user after that. Try this and report the results here:
ls -al /var/log/mythtv
OBTW - Did you mean to report this on 6.00.06 rather than 6.00.03?
Updated by mjl about 16 years ago
Yes, I simply forgot to check the .06 in the pulldown :( Unfortunetly I don't know how to correct it either.
I can do a ls -al /var/log/mythtv all day long, it didn't exist. I have not chased who is suppose to own it. Was distracted by the unknown, undesired ip trying to sneak a home.
I simply reported the errors that I crossed paths with while looking for another issue.
But thanks for the tips, I will try to dig those up to get the proper settings.
Updated by tjc about 16 years ago
Doesn't exist sounds like the smoking gun. It may be time to reinstitute something like the directory creation and permissions script from R5. I've got a notion for a fairly slick way to do it.
Updated by mjl about 16 years ago
Thanks Tom,
I did a mkdir to add it but don't know who should own it. Have not checked to see if anything has gone in there as root. Checking .05 shows mythtv as owner so will change it to be mythtv.
Sadly, most of my limited time has been digging to try to figure out where the bogus ip comes from. It even assigns an ip without a net cable connected and that is something I don't like. This is something new that was not in .05.
Overall, .06 is looking nice but the ip is a show stopper for me as I won't put it on my network with that piggy back garbage.
Updated by brfransen over 13 years ago
- Target version set to 7.1