Bug #434

provide latest of each of the four nVidia driver branches

Added by Human over 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:High Due date:01/10/2011
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:Packages: Core Spent time: -
Target version:7.1


http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html shows that there are now four branches of nVidia drivers, with one "latest" and three "legacy." As of this writing, they are:

Latest Version: 185.18.14
Latest Legacy GPU version (71.86.xx series): 71.86.11
Latest Legacy GPU version (96.43.xx series): 96.43.13
Latest Legacy GPU version (173.14.xx series): 173.14.20

This is obviously a moving target, so a decision has to be made as to when LinHES will grab the latest of each of these four branches so that testers have time to work with them and determine whether or not an upgrade or downgrade is best.


Updated by Human over 15 years ago

One area where the PKGBUILD needs to be improved is that it's hardcoded to download a .run file ending in -pkg0.run. As of this writing, the latest release of the 185.18.14 x86 drivers is available as -pkg1.run. The pkg0 version is still there, but the pkg1 version is so much larger that I wonder what I'm missing in the pkg0 version. Needs to be investigated, and the PKGBUILD should probably try downloading pkg9.run and work its way backwards until it finds a hit.

Updated by Human over 15 years ago

There's a new "latest" driver as of today (actually as of 7/28): 185.18.29

Lots of VDPAU fixes in this release.

Updated by tophee over 15 years ago

Can the repos be updated again to include the newer 190.42 drivers as there are more VDPAU fixes, and (according to my reading around) support for imbedded subtitles.

Updated by mihanson over 15 years ago

I second tophee's request above. 190.42 was released on Oct 27, 2009

Updated by tophee about 15 years ago

Nvidia drivers are now upto 190.53. THis was issues on 2009.12.16. Could packages be updated to refelct this? Here are the release highlights:

  • Modified the installation location and names of internal VDPAU libraries to conform to conventions and Debian packaging guidelines. New versions of libvdpau expect this layout. Compatibility with old versions of libvdpau is maintained with symlinks.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause errors in graphical applications run after a previous application using VDPAU and OpenGL. This behaviour was observed when running Gwenole Beauchesne's hwdecode-demos application.
  • Modified vdpau.h to increment VDPAU_VERSION, to reflect the fact that new features have been added in the past. Also, add the new define VDPAU_INTERFACE_VERSION.
  • Fixed a periodic temporary hang in the VDPAU blit-based presentation queue.
  • Fixed a problem that caused resolution limitations or corruption on certain DisplayPort devices such as the Apple 24" Cinema display or some DisplayPort to VGA adapters.
  • Disabled the UseEvents option for GeForce 8 series and higher GPUs due to a problem that causes occasional short hangs. It will be re-enabled when that bug has been tracked down and fixed.
  • VDPAU now allows multiple streams to be decoded at once, without the need to set any environment variables.

Thanks Chris

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