Feature #574

update kernel package to 2.6.32 (when it gets released) - speed increases in multicpu scheduling

Added by graysky over 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:01/10/2011
Assignee:cecil % Done:


Category:Kernel Spent time: -
Target version:7.1


When 2.6.32 gets released (currently 2.6.32-rc6), please add it to LinHES. There have been some significant improvements in the scheduler as it applies to multi-core CPUs. These are adventagous to users who transcode their mpg-2 to x264. In some cases, increases of 80 % have been reported. I have seen an increase in over 50 % on my X3360 encoding x264.

Example encoding a 1280x720, 60 fps MPEG-2 clip under various kernels on my Arch box:

Linux (kernel avg 15.99 fps
Linux (kernel 2.6.32-rc6): avg 24.45 fps
Linux (kernel 2.6.31-bfs): avg 24.49 fps

53 % faster w/ the new kernel which is on par with Con Kolivas' brain fuck scheduler (bfs)! Also, CPU usage while encoding goes up to 99-100 % on all four cores now. Before it would rest around 70-80 %.

References and related discussions:



Related issues

related to LinHES - Feature #647: Update major core componets Closed 03/18/2010 01/10/2011

Associated revisions

Revision 905a9563
Added by jams over 14 years ago

kernel26: update to 2.6.36
closes #574
ref #647

Revision 55365f93
Added by jams over 14 years ago

lirc: update to 0.8.7
ref #574
ref #647
closes #599

Revision a493a7b5
Added by jams over 14 years ago

lirc-utils: update to 0.8.7
ref #574
ref #647
ref #599

Revision cb48b42b
Added by jams over 14 years ago

madwifi: recompile and update for new kernel

ref #574
ref #647

Revision 46a6e7ca
Added by jams over 14 years ago

ndiswrapper: recompile for new kernel .36
ref #574
ref #647

Revision 7d6646b5
Added by jams over 14 years ago

nvidia: update 260.19.12

ref #574
ref #647

Revision 2427eb4c
Added by jams over 14 years ago

nvidia-utils: update to 260.19.12
ref #574
ref #647

Revision b8bc491c
Added by jams over 14 years ago

tiacx: update and recompile for kernel .36
ref #574
ref #647


Updated by cecil over 15 years ago

After 6.02 is released, we'll be working on 6.03. 6.03 will be a major upgrade. Not only will the kernel be upgraded but so will X and other items.

Updated by stonewalker over 15 years ago

I know not Flyspray. John, do you have the ability to switch the "Due in Version" to 6.03.00 since you opened it?

Updated by graysky over 15 years ago

@Don - nope, I think only the admins can do that. BTW, 2.6.32 went final yesterday.


Updated by stonewalker over 15 years ago

Greatly improved encoding & transcoding is a good thing.
However, I don't see the BFS added to the mainline kernel tree. This would be another 'out of tree' patch to manage for LinHES. How many does LinHES carry already? Is it a big deal to add another one, or is it not?

Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago

  • Target version set to 7.1
  • Due date set to 08/08/2010
  • Category set to Kernel

Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature

Updated by dfdario over 14 years ago

Merely keep you informed about evolutions.
As reported in site [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/439163]] bug seems solved in 2.6.35

Updated by dfdario over 14 years ago

Removed because duplicate

Updated by dfdario over 14 years ago

Removed because duplicate

Updated by jams over 14 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

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