Bug #611

logrotate is not working properly

Added by GregFrost about 15 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
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logrotation is not working properly in R6. See this post on the forum: http://knoppmyth.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=20203&highlight=logrotate

On my system, the mythbackend log seemed to be rotating correctly, so I dont think the change to /etc/logrotate.d/mythbackend.lr is necessary, but the other two are a problem on my system (/var/log/lircd and /var/log/daemon.log (which is the syslog-ng one).

I have made those two suggested changes and will reboot and monitor if /var/log/lircd and /var/log/daemon.log rotate correctly.


Updated by brfransen about 15 years ago

I was seeing a problem only with mythfrontend.log and mythbackend.log not rotating. I did a logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf manually and all seems to be good now. I did not make any of the changes listed in the post on the forum.

Updated by GregFrost about 15 years ago

lirc and syslog-ng were definately not working properly. I have now commited updates for them both based on the details in that thread.

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