Bug #62

xorg.conf and mdadm.conf not restored

Added by mihanson about 16 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:jams % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


master_baackend | run frontend | 800x600 | no mythwelcome | no remote
No NFS Server | show shortcuts | Auto updates ALL
reboot | cd did not eject | ejected it with button on drive
alsactl: load_state:1559 ... /etc/sound.astate no such file (No audio on the machine)

/etc/X11/xorg.conf is blank/empty
/etc/mdadm.conf was not restored from backup
Unsure about MySQL tables (I need a good command line command to list entries in a table -- I don't know SQL very well)

mythvantage_install.log (34.8 kB) admin, 12/19/2008 11:52 pm

linheslogs.tar.bz2 (1.5 MB) admin, 12/20/2008 12:20 am

Related issues

related to LinHES - Bug #4: Restore users home dir on upgrades Closed
related to LinHES - Bug #104: Backup/restore need to be run sudo root Closed 12/31/1969


Updated by mihanson about 16 years ago

All the logs from /var/log

Updated by mihanson about 16 years ago

After debugging with jams today it seems that mdadm.conf is restored using the latest iso jams sent me. However, the UUID of the RAID array (/dev/md0) was not inserted into /etc/fstab (It was blank -- UUID= /myth auto ...blah,blah). Xorg.conf was not restored, but I found it in /etc.old/X11/xorg.conf

Updated by tjc about 16 years ago

The backup and restore scripts hadn't been ported for Arch Linux yet.

Arch does a number of things differently from the old Debian base:

  • Location of certain binaries is different
  • Location of LinHes scripts is different
  • Location of the DB data files is different
  • Daemon start/stop are different

I'm testing an updated and ported version of the script now, but the backup and restore lists still need to be reviewed.

Updated by cecil about 16 years ago

A straight restore of xorg.conf mostly like won't work coming from KnoppMyth to LinHES.

Updated by cecil about 16 years ago

Must have been the food. I was sitting down eating when I thought of how to merge xorg.conf from KnoppMyth and LinHES. I'll script it up in the next day or two.

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