Bug #630
mythwelcome/mythshutdown time format change
Status: | Closed | Start date: | ||
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | jams | % Done: | 100% |
Category: | Other | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | 6.03.00 |
The time format for mythshutdown has changed. It used to be "yyyy-MM-dd:hh:mm". Now it is "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss". This is set in the mythtv-setup Shutdown/Wakeup Options page.
I'm not sure if it is possible to fix this in the database upgrade since we cannot be sure if the user is using mythwelcome. However, the setup instructions in mythwelcome-set-alarm.sh need to be corrected. See attached.
Associated revisions
linhes-scripts: update mythwelcome-set-alarm.sh instructions. Ref #630
Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago
I have been using yyyy-MM-dd:hh:mm since .21 and am currently using trunk from a few days ago and mythshutdown works perfectly with yyyy-MM-dd:hh:mm. Additionally, I don't see any changes in the [[http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/log/trunk/mythtv/programs/mythshutdown|mythshutdown log]] that the time format has changed. Why do you think the time format has changed?
Updated by alien almost 15 years ago
When I upgraded to latest testing, I got .22 and it stopped working. It took a while to discover what the problem was. I have no idea why they changed it. I suspect that it was changed a while ago and they supported both for a while, but now they have removed the old format. See below.
[allen@violet ~]$ mythshutdown --help
Usage of mythshutdown
-w/--setwakeup time (sets the wakeup time. time=yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
doesn't write it into nvram)
-t/--setscheduledwakeup (sets the wakeup time to the next scheduled recording)
-q/--shutdown (set nvram-wakeup time and shutdown)
-x/--safeshutdown (equal to -c -t -q. check shutdown possible, set
scheduled wakeup and shutdown)
-p/--startup (check startup. check will return 0 if automatic
1 for manually)
-c/--check flag (check shutdown possible
flag is 0 - don't check recording status
1 - do check recording status (default)
returns 0 ok to shutdown
1 reset idle check)
-l/--lock (disable shutdown. check will return 1.)
-u/--unlock (enable shutdown. check will return 0)
-s/--status flag (returns a code indicating the current status)
flag is 0 - don't check recording status
1 - do check recording status (default)
0 - Idle
1 - Transcoding
2 - Commercial Flagging
4 - Grabbing EPG data
8 - Recording - only valid if flag is 1
16 - Locked
32 - Jobs running or pending
64 - In a daily wakeup/shutdown period
128 - Less than 15 minutes to next wakeup period
255 - Setup is running
-v/--verbose debug-level (Use '-v help' for level info
-h/--help (shows this usage)
[allen@violet ~]$
Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago
[[http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/changeset/18321/trunk/mythtv/programs/mythshutdown|Here]] is where it was changed, 18 months ago. Although I am still not sure why it is working for me with the old format.
Updated by alien almost 15 years ago
Do you possibly have the :ss? I didn't have that. Maybe it was the missing :ss that broke mine and not the "T".
Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago
Nope, I have yyyy-MM-dd:hh:mm, no :ss and no T. But I only use the set wakeup and shutdown period. Maybe that is why it is working for me.
Updated by alien almost 15 years ago
That would explain it. The wakeup period is calculated internally by mythshutdown. The -setwakeup is only used by the backend to set the next recording time.
In my case, my box kept waking up for the daily wakup, but stopped waking up to record programs until I changed the time format.
Updated by jams almost 15 years ago
- Assignee set to jams
Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
- Target version set to 6.03.00
left open for db update
Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago
- % Done changed from 50 to 90
Added mythwelcome-config.py to linhes-scripts that will update the db with settings listed in mythwelcome-set-alarm.sh.
Revision: http://www.linhes.org/bugs/projects/linhes/repository/revisions/c785b00ee7c35c42d509653fd16a13d4b0d76f6a
mythwelcome-config.py should be called in the mythtv .23 upgrade script.
Updated by cecil over 14 years ago
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
- Category set to Other
- Status changed from New to Closed