Feature #689

Add ability to cycle through windows with a discrete keystroke.

Added by GregFrost almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:04/16/2010
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:cecil % Done:


Category:Packages: Core Spent time: -
Target version:6.03.00


I am looking at adding the ability to switch windows using the remote. A way that I have found to implement this it using xmacro to simulate a keypress that the window manager recognises. Fluxbox doesnt seem to have a key mapped that allows flicking through the windoes (alt-tab doesnt really work in the lirc/xmacro context because it requires alt to be held to cycle through all of the windows).
I mapped Mod1 Escape (Alt-Escape) to the command GotoWindow {1} and this seems to cycle through the windows nicely without the need to hold Alt. This is the line in ~mythtv/.fluxbox/keys:

Mod1 Escape :GotoWindow {1}

Anyone have objections to this being added to the default keylist?
Is there a way to get it added to ~mythtv/.fluxbox/keys? that file doesnt seem to be owned by a package.
The key is just the first part. Then I would need to add the xmacro package and a script that calls it to simulate the Alt-Escape key sequence. Then anyone could add that to a button in their lircrc.


Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago

No objections here. The keys file is part of the fluxbox package.

Updated by brfransen almost 15 years ago

To clarify the /usr/share/fluxbox/keys file is part of the fluxbox package. The keys file in the user directory is not.

Updated by jams almost 15 years ago

Add it to /usr/share/fluxbox/keys so that new installs pick it up.
Have a look at using xdotool instead of xmacro. Xdotool should work for this and it's already installed by default.

Updated by cecil almost 15 years ago

  • Assignee set to cecil
  • Target version set to 6.03.00

Updated by cecil almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

sudo pacman -Sy fluxbox
Does it work as desired?

Updated by cecil almost 15 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

Updated by GregFrost almost 15 years ago

I had to manually add it to ~mythtv/.fluxbox/keys, but it seems to work, so it should work for new installs now that you have added it to the file that ~mythtv/.fluxbox/keys is derived from.
To get the remote button to do it, I just added this to my lircrc file:

# Cycle through X windows.
  prog   = irexec
  button = LiveTV
  config = xdotool key Alt+Escape

Updated by cecil almost 15 years ago

  • Category set to Packages: Core
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100
  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Greg, please create a wiki/forum topic to describe this.

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