Bug #761
Double arrow presses for mceusb remote in 7.00.02
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 03/03/2011 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 100% |
Category: | Packages: Core | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
I recently installed 7.00.02 on a testing system and had problems with my mceusb remote. Arrow keys were registered twice. Apparently once by the kernel/xinput and once by lirc. (In other words, after stopping lirc, arrow keys were still registered once) I had to comment out the arrow keys in the lircrc file, which does work around the problem, however, It would probably be better if xinput keypresses were disabled, so the remote configuration would all be in the lircrc file. I wasted a lot of time tweaking delay and repeat settings in lircrc before I realized that the extra strokes weren't coming from that file.
Associated revisions
runit-scripts: lircd run: enable lirc bridge for in-kernel modules. Closes #761
Updated by brfransen about 14 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from New to Closed
Applied in changeset ed3eea05daafec4252e89609dd8628c5b6dfd512.