Bug #855

sapphire module not loading - blacklist hid-topseed not working

Added by nickrout over 12 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:No user feedback Start date:10/22/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:cecil % Done:


Category:Packages: Core Spent time: -
Target version:-


I have a sapphire remote http://rtr.ca/sapphire_remote/ and was pleased to see LinHES has a package and module for it. Great remote by the way.

To make it work the system needs to blacklist hid_topseed so that sapphire.ko will load. When I installed LinHES 7.3 the sapphire module seemed to load fine, so I assume blacklisting was working.

However I have updated to 7.4 and now it is not. hid_topseed loads on boot, and the remote doesn't work well. The file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-hid_topseed.conf seems to be right:

    cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-hid_topseed.conf
    ## hid_topseed Conflicts with sapphire driver
    blacklist hid_topseed

I have temporarily solved this by /sbin/modprobe -r hid_topseed followed by /sbin/modprobe sapphire in /etc/rc.local, but I would love to figure out what went wrong and how I can fix it. I have read that if the module is in the initramfs then blacklisting won't work, but I am unsure if this is relevant because I don't know how to check what is in the initramfs.


Updated by cecil over 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to cecil
  • Category set to Packages: Core

Odd as I regularly use the Sapphire and have no issues with it and other modules. Will look into it.

Updated by nickrout over 12 years ago

cecil wrote:

Odd as I regularly use the Sapphire and have no issues with it and other modules. Will look into it.

That would be why the module got in there in the first place I guess :)

Maybe I have done something terribly wrong. I do tend to play, but can't think of anything I have done to change the kernel or the initramfs or anything else that appears relevant.

Also have now noticed that the rc.local thing only appears to work on every second boot.

Weird. I'll have to never reboot, not much of a fix really.

If you find anything, I'll be pleased to know. If you want me to check anything, give me a yell!

Updated by brfransen over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Is this still a issue in R8?

Updated by brfransen over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to No user feedback

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