Feature #100

No language option offered

Added by Human about 16 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:Installation/Upgrade Spent time: 4.00 hours
Target version:8.0


English appears to be the installer's unchangeable language. Now that the installer uses MythTV's architecture, it contains the necessary tools to tokenize every string and allow native speakers to translate the installer text.

Related issues

related to LinHES - Feature #680: language selection on install -> select keyboard layout Closed 04/04/2010

Associated revisions

Revision c6127b66
Added by jams over 12 years ago

LinHES-config: add support for selecting the lang/country during install.
The lang is then translated to a locale which is then applied to the system by mv_locale.

The lang->locale lookup is done inside mv_locale with a static dict.

refs #738
refs #100
refs #680

Revision 63ea9c28
Added by jams over 12 years ago

mythinstall: new build that includes displaying the lang screen..and also writes out the language var to /etc/systemconfig

refs #738
refs #100
refs #680

Revision 8c854f27
Added by jams over 12 years ago

LinHES-config: use all lowercase when looking up the locale in the language map.

refs #738
refs #100
refs #680


Updated by smilerish about 15 years ago

Further to this, the option to choose a locale would be nice (or to detect/infer it from the time zone?). Post-install, I change my system's locale to en_GB by manually editing /etc/locale.conf, but it ought to be automated.

Updated by brfransen over 13 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature

Updated by jams over 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 8.0
  • Category set to Installation/Upgrade
  • Status changed from New to Closed

The locale is now set, based off the language selected during install.
Anything unknown defaults back to en_US UTF-8

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