Bug #915
Exiting frontend with Mythwelcome installed locksup frontend
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 04/22/2013 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | % Done: | 0% |
Category: | Other | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | 8.0 |
Installed R8-02-11-2013 and ran /usr/LH/bin/mythwelcome-config.py script. Mythwelcome runs correctly if you use the "enter standby mode" to shut down the system. If you use alt-esc and bring up the menu and choose "Yes Exit now" the the front end locks up and has to be rebooted. My goal / assumption here is that I can exit to the Mythwelcome screen. This was a clean install on a hard drive with no partitions. No data was transferred from previous LinHES versions. I can do testing if needed.
Updated by tscholl almost 12 years ago
The same problem exists without mythwelcome as well.
When you get to the takes you to the "Do you really want to Exit screen" If you select "Yes" the frontend hangs. The reboot and shutdown options do work correctly.
If you kill the frontend it respawns.
Updated by brfransen almost 12 years ago
What theme are you using? Any clues in the mythfrontend log? I have been unable to reproduce this on 3 different machines.
Updated by tscholl almost 12 years ago
I'm using the Default LinHES theme.
Updated by TVBox almost 12 years ago
brfransen wrote:
What theme are you using? Any clues in the mythfrontend log? I have been unable to reproduce this on 3 different machines.
blootube-ng 2.3
Mythbuntu 25.30
MythCenter-wide 1.6
I looked at backed and front end logs and a few more at the same time stamp as when I pushed the the button. This is what always came up with each of the above themes
Last Front end Log entries
2013-05-01T13:44:55.452210-05:00 mythmbetest mythfrontend2817: N CoreContext mythmainwindow.cpp:2591 (PauseIdleTimer) Resuming idle timer
2013-05-01T13:44:55.452259-05:00 mythmbetest mythfrontend2817: N CoreContext mythmainwindow.cpp:2591 (PauseIdleTimer) Resuming idle timer
2013-05-01T13:44:55.452273-05:00 mythmbetest mythfrontend2817: I CoreContext bonjourregister.cpp:27 (~BonjourRegister) Bonjour: De-registering service '_mythfrontend._tcp.' on 'Mythfrontend on mythmbetest'
2013-05-01T13:44:55.452285-05:00 mythmbetest mythfrontend2817: I CoreContext mythraopdevice.cpp:82 (Cleanup) RAOP Device: Cleaning up.
2013-05-01T13:44:55.452296-05:00 mythmbetest mythfrontend2817: I CoreContext mythairplayserver.cpp:260 (Cleanup) AirPay: Cleaning up.
2013-05-01T13:44:55.452306-05:00 mythmbetest mythfrontend2817: I CoreContext bonjourregister.cpp:27 (~BonjourRegister) Bonjour: De-registering service '_airplay._tcp.' on 'MythTV on mythmbetest'
I did stumble across one way of getting to the Mythwelcome screen. This works only one time.
using Mythbuntu 25.30
change theme to blootube-ng 2.3
then use alt+Esc and yes, exit now.
The Mythwelcome screen that comes up will be in the previous theme fashion (Mythbuntu 25.30).
if you leave that screen and try to exit now again the frontend will lock up.
This has happened randomly and is not consistent at all (twice out of about 15 theme changes).
Updated by tscholl almost 12 years ago
Ran set_windowmanager.sh enlightenment legacy as suggested by jams.
It get rid of the BIG Messages, but the frontend still hangs when you exit.
But you can kiil it and is doesn't respawn.
Updated by jams almost 12 years ago
- Target version set to 8.0
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to jams
- Category set to Other
The hanging is a problem with mythtv and airplay being enabled.
To disable airplay edit /etc/profile.d/LinHES-profile.sh and comment out the airplay line.
Setting this to resolved, as there isn't much that can be done about it other then disabling airplay.
Updated by jams almost 12 years ago
- Target version changed from 8.0 to 8.1
Updated by brfransen over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Updated by brfransen over 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 8.1 to 8.0