Bug #916
Using Mythwelcome Mythtv Standby says its recording but it is not.
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 04/22/2013 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 0% |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
Installed R8-02-11-2013 and ran /usr/LH/bin/mythwelcome-config.py script.
With no recordings currently happening or in the near future and no jobs running. If you use the Menu Button >> "enter standby mode" to shut down the system. The black with red square box "MythTV is in standby" appears to give you status of your shut down. The status displays "Backend is Idle" for the first 15 seconds (like you would expect it to). After 15 seconds the status changes to "Backend is recording " and stays that way for the next 2 minutes or longer, until it shuts down.
On the backend setup pages I do NOT have the "Preform EIT scan" box checked in the Video Source Setup page.
MythTV Backend Setup>>Shutdown / Wakeup Options >> Idle Shutdown timeout (sec): 70
This was a clean install on a hard drive with no partitions. No data was transferred from previous LinHES versions.
I do not know if "Mythtv Standby" is a LinHES or a Mythtv function. Now if it was "LinHES Standby" , Just a thought.
I can do testing if needed.
Related issues
related to LinHES - Bug #915: Exiting frontend with Mythwelcome installed locksup frontend | Closed | 04/22/2013 |
Updated by TVBox almost 12 years ago
This problem at this time seems to be theme dependent. The theme I was using to base the actions above was based on blootube-ng 2.3 . Mythbuntu 25.30 has different actions.
Process happening ----------Theme response wording-------color of square
blootube-ng 2.3
if backend is idle ---------Backend is recording---------Red square
if backend is recording-----Backend is recording --------Red square
backend is shutting down ---Backend is recording---------Red square
Mythbuntu 25.30
if backend is idle ---------Backend is idle--------------black square
if backend is recording-----Backend is recording --------Green Square
backend is shutting down ---Backend is shutting down-----Yellow square
MythCenter-wide 1.6
if backend is idle ---------Backend is recording---------Red square
if backend is recording-----Backend is recording --------Red square
backend is shutting down ---Backend is recording---------Red square
The following is one mans opinion.
As a long time user of Mythwelcome (Prior to 5.5) I like the information provided on the Mythwelcome screen. For me it provides a wealth of information and peace of mind that my system is operating correctly. I like seeing the count down, what is being recorded, jobs running and upcoming recordings before I turn off the TV.
Updated by brfransen over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed