Feature #928

Mythwelcome Customization

Added by RacerX over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:08/26/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:Packages: Core Spent time: -
Target version:-


The idea of using MythWelcome + ACPI to manage Linhes via the recording schedule has great appeal.
But the package needs updating to make it more complete.

To install MythWelcome on R8
1.) Install - Service Menu/ Linhes Configuration/System Type. Then, Check the box to install MythWelcome, then select finish
2.) To Configure - run /usr/LH/bin/mythwelcome-config.py
3.) To Test Acpi - /usr/LH/bin/mythwelcome-test-wakeup.sh
4.) Then find / -name mysql.txt
cd /usr/MythVantage/Templates/
cp mysql.txt /home/mythtv/.mythtv
5.) Change - chown mythtv:mythtv mysql.txt
6.) Settings Mythsetup/General/Shutdown/Wakeup Options/
a.) Idle Shutdown Timer: 30 (seconds)
b.) Server Halt Command: mythwelcome --shutdown
7. Permissions - Allow user mythtv to run mythshutdown with root commands
nano /etc/sudoers
mythtv localhost = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mythshutdown

Related issues

related to LinHES - Bug #914: Mythwelcome dos not run mythwelcome-config.py on Install Closed 04/22/2013


Updated by brfransen over 11 years ago

  • Category set to Packages: Core
  • Status changed from New to Feedback

1 & 2: For new installs mythwelcome-config.py is now done automatically as per #914. The currently available ISO probably doesn't do this yet but the next one will.
3: I don't see what we can do to make this easier for the user. The user needs to test and observe the results.
4 & 5: Why does this need to be done? None of my 4 systems have /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt and they all work with MythWelcome and were configured using just mythwelcome-config.py.
6a & 6b: These are both set by mythwelcome-config.py. In mythwelcome-config.py the idle shutdown defaults to 40 seconds if the value is 0. Otherwise it keeps the current value which was probably set by the user and can be changed to suit the user.
7: By default in R8 the mythtv user already has all sudo permissions and NOPASSWD is set to ALL.

Updated by brfransen over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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