Feature #931

mpd to the LinHES repositories

Added by mikavir over 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:09/16/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:jams % Done:


Category:Packages: Extra Spent time: 3.00 hours
Target version:8.1


mpd (http://www.musicpd.org/) does a marvellous job serving the music catalog (as well as playing it), especially when used with iOS clients MPoD and MPaD. It would be great if mpd could be included in 8.0, and in the forthcoming releases. I tried installing mpd from the arch -repositories, but LinHES libraries are too old for the present mpd. I don't dare to update the (ffmpeg?) libs...

Associated revisions

Revision fa1c09c4
Added by jams about 11 years ago

runit-scripts: add mpd

The config file is stock, and will need to be changed for each persons setup

refs #931

Revision 28a76e09
Added by jams about 11 years ago

mpd: first checkin

The config file is stock, and will need to be changed for each persons setup

refs #931

Revision b7e12456
Added by jams about 11 years ago

libmms: first checkin required for mpd
refs #931


Updated by brfransen about 11 years ago

  • Target version set to 8.1

Updated by jams about 11 years ago

  • Assignee set to jams
  • Category set to Packages: Extra
  • Status changed from New to Closed

package was added to -testing and will be in 8.1.
runit-scripts was also updated with a mpd file add_service.sh mpd

configuration file is unmodified and will need to be setup for a LinHES system.
Patches are welcome if someone wants to make the config changes to match a linhes layout

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