Feature #975

OwnCloud dependencies to repos

Added by mikavir about 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:08/29/2014
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-


Again, I'm asking the dependencies for OwnCloud to the (extra) repositories. It is a bit longer list, so it's best viewed at:

I had the earlier version working very nicely within LinHES 8, but I had a hard disk failure which forced me to reinstall LinHES from scratch. Luckily, almost no data was lost. After reinstallation I tried using my QNAP's QSync instead, but compared to OwnCloud, it's horrible... So, please, can my request be fulfilled?


Updated by mikavir almost 10 years ago

Now I feel stupid, but I finally found out that the 'missing' modules were just commented out in /etc/php/php.ini. So this request could be even deleted, since all seems to be in place after all... Sorry for my slowness.

Updated by brfransen almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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