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Total: 821.56 hours

Date Member Activity Project Issue Comment Hours
12/22/2010 jams Development LinHES Feature #737: add config file to systemconfig.py 1.00
01/04/2012 jams Development LinHES Support #736: Advanced Format drives (4k sectors) 3.00
12/12/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #735: portmap 6.00
12/18/2010 jams Development LinHES Feature #732: Run "nvidia-settings --load-config-only" automa... 0.30
11/09/2012 jams Development LinHES Bug #726: Installer not adding boot options for Intel D94... 6.00
11/05/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #721: Off-by-one error in screensaver setup 0.50
11/05/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #721: Off-by-one error in screensaver setup 0.50
12/15/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #710: mplayer-wrapper.pl overcropping 0.10
10/27/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #706: Links to bug tracker 1.00
11/06/2011 jams Development LinHES Bug #705: Upgrade script assumes that it is run in xterm 6.00
11/07/2010 jams Development LinHES Feature #691: Add option for a larger cursor 3.00
04/05/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #673: Update lcdproc to 0.5.3 QA 0.10
11/05/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #670: Add etcnet man pages 0.50
03/27/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #668: first time run of mythsmolt for systems without X 1.00
03/26/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #667: mythsmolt: tuners sometimes fails because of ne... mostly spent working on upstream 3.00
03/27/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #666: localhost /etc/hosts 0.50
03/27/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #666: localhost /etc/hosts 1.00
03/26/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #665: popup after upgrade 0.50
03/26/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #665: popup after upgrade 1.00
03/25/2010 jams Design LinHES Bug #664: rrd_ups.pl does not work, wrong paths 0.50
03/27/2010 jams Development LinHES Feature #663: add config file to enable/disable systemconfig.... 3.50
03/25/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #662: grub entry for no_x may not work 0.10
03/26/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #658: Remove the Bug Cloud 0.01
03/20/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #657: mythvantage web password removed debugging code that was forcing a failure 0.20
03/20/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #656: missing cron job for mythsmolt 0.50
03/27/2010 jams Development LinHES Feature #654: create public version of git repo 2.00
03/20/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #650: local website still has a title of R5 0.10
03/20/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #649: php: sed for timezone fails 0.10
03/20/2010 jams Development LinHES Feature #648: no tweaker option 0.30
08/28/2011 jams Development LinHES Feature #647: Update major core componets 34.00
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #637: In .23 mythrename.pl has been replaced with myt... 0.30
03/26/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #633: use 'svn export' instead of 'svn co' in build p... 2.00
03/25/2010 jams Design LinHES Bug #632: recstat not working in R6 2.00
03/18/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #625: Add /myth and /media to the php.ini open_basedir 0.50
03/27/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #622: Add SiliconDust HDHR as an I/R Receiver option 0.70
03/29/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #622: Add SiliconDust HDHR as an I/R Receiver option 8.00
03/20/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #622: Add SiliconDust HDHR as an I/R Receiver option 0.30
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #620: add monitorix package to the repo (system monit... 1.00
03/25/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #610: Nameserver error with static IP 0.30
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #590: mediaserv does not work by default 0.30
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #588: Adding Mediatomb to extra repo 0.10
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #588: Adding Mediatomb to extra repo 0.10
03/18/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #567: Add packages from Post-Installation Tips wiki page 0.50
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #565: replace /sbin/shutdown with the official Arch v... 0.10
03/27/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #561: suggestion: alternative config for hauppauge-gr... 0.10
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #541: Middle Mouse Button Emulation 1.00
03/30/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #527: iPhone compatibility for the default LinHES loc... 0.10
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #522: add *.php pattern to MythVideo blacklist 0.50
03/26/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #518: add tjc's post-install script 1.00
03/21/2010 jams Development LinHES Bug #508: addition of amule package to LinHES 0.75

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